Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hewwo fwiends. it's been a while. sowwy for the general lack of posts. here's what's been happening lately. yesterday i went to wal mart in search of groceries, and everyone knows what you can find at wal mart. especially in small towns. you find some odd people. anyhoo, i saw this little kid with quite a mullet, and decided to dedicate this post to the wonder that are mullets. NOTE TO ALL PARENTS AND OR HUMANS: NEVER under ANY circumstances wear a mullet. consider yourselves warned. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

well it's been a while. i'm glad to see i still have just one follower. whoo! spring break happened, it was fun, what more do i need to say? now i'm back in class but i realize that i only have six weeks til summer. in case you can't feel my excitement through the screen, SIX WEEKS!!! praise Jesus for that one, that's all i have to say. the end for now. more soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sooooo im sitting in my kitchen...eating cinnamon life cereal. this stuff is dis-gus-ting with milk, but delish dry. and i love it. i bought it last night when i went to the store in desperate need of toilet paper. i ran out a few days ago and didn't have time to make it to the store, so i had to settle for kleenex until last night. some things are just irreplaceable. but now i've got my quilted northern and life is good. i'm about to go play soccer with friends...it is such a nice day. maybe i'll work off all the life i just ate. anyways...i was just looking at pictures online, and i love cute fuzzy animals, and i found this hammy and it was just too cute to pass up. (Ames, this one's for you-this is what ours will look like) so enjoy that, and buy some life cereal, but buy toilet paper first if that's what you need-gotta prioritize. OH and go to www.myspace.com/wheelswhimsy and add us-take a listen while you're there. we love getting new friends. til later, ciao. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

soo im sitting at the libary. rarely do i come here, but i need a book, and so of course i have to spend some time being distracted on the computer. of course. and, i was just reading a sign posted on the wall behind me, and this old man thought i was staring at him, so of course he awkwardly waved. as much as i would have liked to let him go on thinking i was hopelessly gazing at him, i had to let him down and fill him in on the fact that it was actually the sign. not to mention the fact that everyone here is being silent, so it made for quite an awkward moment. don't you just love those? anyways...i guess i'm gonna go and actually find my book now. sigghhh.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

wow. i just spent my whole afternoon working on a paper, and i am knackered! i think i did alright with it though...the revising process will take place tonight, and then i will be DONE! right now i'm sitting at the msc watching this random guy eat taco bell right across from me. it's rather awkward, out of all of the empty seats around us he chose the one right in front of my face to sit at. so now it's me, him, and his taco mess. yum. why am i even at the msc instead of in my lovely apartment, you might ask? let me take a moment to lament about airimba wireless: it sucks. i can't get any sort of internet connection to begin with really, but now nobody else can. so i'm stuck at the msc trying to write a paper with a crazy man staring me down on my left and a taco munching fool on my right. what's a girl to do? mmmm, that's the question. oh and i'm pretty sure this picture represents exactly what munchies mcgee was eating across from me. delish. 

Saturday, February 21, 2009

soo today i accomplished a lot. i read a whole book-yay now i get to write a report. i cleaned my room and took a nice 3 hour nap. however, at work, i also ate 7 donuts. so, that's not so good. i bought donuts for the crew today at the office and for some odd reason, i couldn't stop myself. so i kept on munching the deliciousness and at the end of the day my tally revealed that i'd eaten 7 fried circles! oh snapss. asdfkhghgkjsl. !. but that's ok, because as soon as i got home you know what i did? i took a nap. way to work off those calories-you don't get a figure like this from eating healthily haha, this is from scarfing donuts and lots of carefully executed napping. yess. maybe the next time you see me this is what i'll look like. hottie with a body. 
hi guyysss. so this is my first time blogging...i'm a bit inexperienced. hopefully you'll forgive me and we can make amends. and be friends. rock that rhyme. so anyways...just wanted to say hi and keep reading if you wanna hear about my life.